EnCap Theme
Want to apply a unique theme to your EnCap or to make EnCap theme blend with your website? EnCap Theme feature in Twixor EnCaps enables you to use custom themes.
The figure shown above displays the default theme applied to the EnCaps. You can apply a theme to add color, background image, and style to your EnCap as given in the steps below:
Campaign Details
In this section, you can set the well-designed logo for the EnCap to promote your brand.
Background Image
- Select the image to be displayed at the background of the EnCap by clicking Upload Image in the Background Image section.
- Apply background color to the EnCap outer layer using Overlay Background option in Overlay section.
Customizing EnCap Content
- Choose your custom background color, font, and text color for the EnCap body from the Body section.
- Google Fonts have minimum load time. You can use the 10 best Sans serif and serif Google Fonts listed below for your EnCap:
- Roboto
- Open Sans
- Lato
- Montserrat
- Source Sans Pro
- Merriweather
- Roboto
- Playfair Display
- PT Serif
- Lora
Header Styles and Buttons
- You can select the background and text color for header and buttons from Header Styles and Buttons section.
Incoming and Outgoing Messages
- You can also apply background, message text, and Border color for incoming and outgoing messages from Incoming Messages and Outgoing Messages section.
You can also customize the border, title, footer, and content of the carousel you use in EnCap.
The theme selection will take effect immediately once you apply your custom theme to the EnCap. Bookstore EnCap after applying the custom theme is shown below:
You can view the final Book Store Encap launch after applying the theme in Launch Configuration guide.